Domain Name Transfer Service | Transfer Domain to Indian Registrar

cheapest domain name tranfer service at lowest price

Domain Name Transfer is the process of changing the designated registrar of a domain name. ICANN has defined a Policy on Transfer of Registrations between Registrars. Domain Name Transfer is a part of popular web hosting and domain transfer company SAN Info Systems providing the cheapest domain transfer services. After this process, the new registrar is the domain name’s designated registrar. The process may take about five to seven days.

Οι επιστήμονες έχουν μελετήσει προσεκτικά αυτό το φαινόμενο και ανακάλυψαν ότι υπάρχουν ήδη δύο τύποι αυτής της κακίας: τα πρωταρχικά δάνεια στην ωριμότητα των οργάνων των ανδρών, η δευτεροβάθμια αρχίζει σε μια επακόλουθη ηλικία. Και, κατά πάσα πιθανότητα, είναι πιο συνηθισμένο, δεν θεωρεί ότι είναι απαραίτητο να συμβουλευτείτε έναν γιατρό με κρύο μετά από σεξουαλική επαφή.


All Transfers are Risk-Free


Child DNS Control

All Transfers are Seamless


Advanced DNS Controls

1-Year Extention included


Free Domain Name Locking

Admin/Billing address in your name


Free 24×7/365 Support


Important for Domain Name Transfer


When Domain Expired

If your domain expired with your old Registrar, and you renewed it with them, then do not Transfer it within 45 days of the previous expiry date since it will not add 1 more year to your domain name, and you will lose out on the Renewal fees paid to the older Registrar.

Regulations prohibit the Transfer

ICANN & Registry regulations prohibit the transfer of domain names that have been registered or previously transferred within the last 60 Days. Please wait for 60 days from the date of registration or previous transfer before applying for a transfer of such domain names.


Guidelines or Rules for Domain Name Transfer


Registration more than 60 days ago

Your domain must have been registered more than 60 days ago.

Domain Name should not expired

Your domain name is not expired. It is advisable to initiate your transfer at least 7 days prior to expire date, so there will be enough time to complete the process.

Require an Authentication Code

All domain transfers require an Authentication Code (Secret /EPP Code) when transferring domains to SAN Info Systems. You can obtain an authentication code from your current registrar (where the domain is currently registered).

Unable to Transfer Domain

We cannot transfer domains that are less than 60 days old. If you registered your domain within the last 60 days, please wait until after 60 days before starting a transfer.

Domain Name should not locked

Your domain name is not locked at the current registrar. Please contact your current registrar to make sure there are no holds or locks when transferring your domain name. (many registrars will automatically place a lock on the domain for security).

Receive an Email

Once the transfer order is placed, the administrative contact of each domain name for which you have placed a transfer request will receive an email, which asks for confirmation of such transfer. You would need to click on a link inside each of these emails for the transfer request to be sent to the registry.

FREE! 1 Year Extension Included

We will add one year to the current expiry date of your domain name for no additional cost i.e. you will not lose anytime even if you choose to transfer months before your domains expiry date.

All Transfers are Risk-Free

If for any reason, your domain transfer fails or is cancelled, we will instantly credit or refund payment in your account with the complete amount that you paid for such transfer, no questions asked.

All Transfers are Seamless

Your domain name’s name servers are not altered anytime during the transfer process, hence your domain will not face ANY downtime during this process.