Domain Name Promotion Codes | Domain Coupons, Discounts, Offers

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SAN Info Systems is a site for ultimate source for ultra modern domain name registration discounts and promo codes that help thousands of people get cheap domain name registrations. You can find and share domain names coupon codes and promo codes for great discounts and save huge on your favorite Domains Name. Get a great deal on web hosting and domain names. Check back regularly for amazing discounts on domain names, web hosting and more.

Admin/Billing address in your name

Promotion/Special Domain offers

Secret (EPP) Code to transfer domain

Email/SMS Notification

Advanced DNS Controls

First-Year Domain Registration

Free Domain Name Locking

Free 24×7/365 Support

Important for Domain Name Registration

Control Panel

You can manage your Domain Name by Client Area Control Panel where you can update Contact Details, Update Domain Name Server (DNS) Entry, Create Child Name Server, Renew your Domain Name.

First-come-First-serve Basis

Domain Registration is done on a First-come-first-serve basis. The domain requested may be registered by some other person/organization in between the period of request for domain registration and the receipt of payment.

Registration within 24 hours

Domain Names are usually registered within 24 hours of the receipt of payment. Once Successfully registered nobody can register your domain name, but it still takes 1-2 days to show in the WHOIS database.

Non-Availability of Domain Name

SAN Info Systems will not be responsible in any way for the non-availability of the domain name. The money you send will be refunded in case you do not want to register another Domain with us.

Guidelines or Rules for Domain Name Registration

Don’t use “www”

Please do not use the “www” in the name. “www” is not part of the domain name, since it is a host in the domain.

Domain length

Domain names may be between 3 (Three) and 63 (Sixtythree) characters in length before the “.com,” “.net,” “.org,” “.info,” or “.biz” etc. extensions suffix.

Domain Name Terms

Domain names may be registered for a minimum of one (1) year, and a maximum of ten (10) years.

Allowable characters

Only letters(a-z), digits(0-9), and hyphens (-) will be accepted in a domain name but may not contain spaces or other punctuation. Names cannot begin or end with hyphens.

Contact information

Registrants must provide true, accurate contact information. The following contact types are required: Registrant, Administrative, Technical, Billing. As per standing policy, the contact data will displayed in the WHOIS.

Availability to anyone

Domain names are available to anyone! Companies, individuals, and organizations in India and abroad are eligible.

Letter case

Once a domain name is registered, you can use it in any case: CAPITAL, lower, or MiXeD. For example, or yourname@YOURDOMAIN.ORG.

Trademarked or Copyrighted Name

If you register a trademarked or copyrighted name, you may be approached by the legal owner of the name and asked to relinquish ownership.